How to achieve goals during lockdown

Many people are beating themselves up for not making huge achievements during the lockdown period. After all, they say, we’ve got the chuffing time.

Maybe so, but then we’re al in the middle of a pandemic. And that means our brains are on high alert. Difficult to concentrate on stuff when your brain is only concerned with keeping you alive.

It does that by ramping up the feeling of anxiety and fear, constantly scanning the environment for potential threats, and generally making your mind become a grasshopper, bouncing from one worry to another.

Not really conducive to achieving massive goals, eh?

But if there’s something you do want to achieve it’s still possible. You just need to take tiny steps towards it. And as you do so, plan to give each small step your full concentration for a short burst of time.

Not only will this move you towards what you want, it will train your mind to focus fully on one thing at a time. This will help you to gain a sense of control and ease down the anxiety.

Doesn’t have to be a massive goal or plan of action, just simply anything you’ve been promising yourself you’ll do.

Start with one tiny step for five minutes. Then reward yourself with something, even if it’s a cup of coffee or a tasty sandwich, a dab of perfume behind the ears, or listening to your favourite music.

Your mind will associate moving towards your goal with a reward, which will reinforce the motivation you desire to get the job done.

Try it and let me know how it goes!